Early Impressions Childcare is a non-profit organization that has been a part of Johnsonville area since 1974, offering childcare and support to families.
Hours of operation
Hours of operation
Monday to Friday
8.30am - 2.30pm
Term time only
Age and availability
Age and availability
Children from 13 months old are welcome to attend from 1 to 5 days per week (depending on places available, we encourage children to attend at least 2 days per week).
$50.00 per session if you are not eligible for 20 hours Free ECE. We accept full payment, and part-payments made on a regular basis, if pre-arrangement has been made.
Located within the Johnsonville Community Centre in central Johnsonville. Less than a 5 minute walk to the Johnsonville Mall and Johnsonville train station. Convenient parking on Frankmoore Avenue.