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                                               Regulatory standards                                                        ERO's Judgement

                                                                       Curriculum                                                                                                              Meeting

                                                                       Premises and Facilities                                                                                    Meeting

                                                                       Health and Safety                                                                                               Not meeting

                                                                      Governance and Management                                                                    Not meeting

At the time of the review, ERO identified non-compliance with regulatory standards that must be addressed

Actions for Compliance

ERO found areas of non-compliance in the service relating to:

  • analysing accident/incident records to identify hazards and take appropriate action

  • ensuring that the offsite service provider and committee chairperson are safety checked as required by the Children’s Act 2014, and that the date on which each step is taken is recorded. 

[Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008, HS12, GMA7A]

Since the onsite visit, the service has provided ERO with evidence that shows it has addressed the following non-compliances: 

  • having a procedure for the changing of nappies that aims to ensure that children are treated with dignity and respect (HS3)

  • ensuring, and maintaining a record of, relevant emergency drills being carried out on an at least a three-monthly basis (HS8)

  • ensuring records of illnesses that include the child’s name, date, time, description of illness, actions taken and by whom, and evidence that the parents have been notified/informed (HS27)

  • ensuring notification of serious injury is sent to a specified agency and the Ministry of Education (HS34)

  • showing how key tasks will have regard to the Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) in the service’s annual plan (GMA8).

Next ERO Review 

The next ERO review is likely to be an Akarangi | Quality Evaluation. 

Patricia Davey
Director of Early Childhood Education (ECE)

31 January 2024 

Education Review Office - January 2024


Early Impressions Childcare is a community-based service. There are two centre managers who oversee the education and care of children. Johnsonville Community Centre subcommittee is responsible for the governance. One third of children identify as Māori and a small number are of Pacific heritage within an ethnically diverse roll.

Summary of Review Findings

The service provides a language-rich environment that supports children’s learning. The curriculum promotes children’s developing social competence and understanding of appropriate behaviour. Adults providing education and care engage in meaningful, positive interactions to enhance children’s learning and nurture reciprocal relationships. Teachers’ practice demonstrates an understanding of children’s learning and nurtures reciprocal relationships. 

The design and layout of the premises support the provision of different types of indoor and outdoor experiences, including a range of spaces for individual and group learning experiences.

Strengthened understanding and oversight of health and safety, and governance and management criteria is required to maintain regulatory standards.​​

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