Te Whāriki includes principles and strands which together describe a holistic curriculum.
Te Whāriki includes principles and strands which together describe a holistic curriculum.
Children learn a huge amount in the first years of their lives. Participating in quality early childhood education strengthens this early learning and lays a strong foundation for later success.
All early learning education services are required to deliver a curriculum that empowers young children to be confident and competent learners. The framework for this curriculum is set out in Te Whāriki.
Each services weaves a local curriculum (or whāriki) based on the principles, strands, goals and learning outcomes found in Te Whāriki. When deciding which areas to focus on, teachers take into account the interests, strengths and needs of the children and aspirations of parents, whānau and community.
Te Whāriki supports every child to be strong in his or her identity, language and culture.
The 4 broad principles of Te Whāriki are:
The 4 broad principles of Te Whāriki are:
Empowerment | Whakamana
Empowers the child to learn and grow.
Holistic Development | Kotahitanga
Reflects the holistic way that children learn and grow.
Family and Community | Whānau Tangata
The wider world of family and community is an integral part of the early childhood curriculum.
Relationships | Ngā Hononga
Children learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, places and things.
Te Whāriki’s four principles are interwoven with these learning areas:
Te Whāriki’s four principles are interwoven with these learning areas:
Well being | Mana Atua
Well being | Mana Atua
The health and well being of the child are protected and nurtured.
Belonging | Mana Whenua
Belonging | Mana Whenua
Children and their families feel a sense of belonging.
Exploration | Mana Aotūroa
Exploration | Mana Aotūroa
The child learns through active exploration of the environment.
Contribution | Mana Tangata
Contribution | Mana Tangata
Opportunities for learning are equitable, and each child's contribution is valued.
Communication | Mana Reo
Communication | Mana Reo
The language and symbols of children's own and other cultures are promoted and protected.